What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a branch of traditional Chinese medicine. It involves the use of thin stainless-steel disposable needles at one or more points on the body. Acupuncture treats and prevents disease, stops pain, and promotes well-being.
Does acupuncture hurt?
No. Acupuncture is painless. The needles are very thin, about the size of a hair. Acupuncture needles are designed to glide into the skin with little discomfort (unlike syringes used in doctors’ offices which puncture the skin to inject or withdraw fluids). Because Acupuncture needles are so thin, they cause little if any discomfort. Upon insertion, you may feel a heaviness, pressure or tingling. Most people find Acupuncture treatments to be relaxing. Some patients even fall asleep during treatment.
How does acupuncture work?
Acupuncture works by restoring balance. It revitalizes your mind and body, including your internal organs. Some examples of how acupuncture works are:
Women’s Health: Acupuncture treats women’s health issues by balancing hormones, regulating the nervous system, and promoting a healthy circulation and supply of blood to the uterus.
Anxiety and Stress: Acupuncture treats anxiety and stress by regulating the nervous system. It has a similar effect on other conditions, like insomnia.
Pain, Injury, and Orthopedic Conditions: Acupuncture treats pain. injury and other orthopedic conditions by relaxing muscle spasms, invigorating blood circulation, reducing inflammation, balancing pain receptors, and causing a release of endorphins (“feel good” chemicals in the brain.)
Digestion: Acupuncture treats digestive issues by adjusting metabolism, balancing hormones, and promoting movement of food through the digestive tract.
Is acupuncture safe?
Yes. Acupuncture has been practiced safely for thousands of years. Acupuncture needles are sterilized and are used only one time. Acupuncture needles are never re-used. The U.S. Government’s National Institute of Health (NIH) has found Acupuncture to be safe & effective, saying that Acupuncture may be a safer alternative to Western Medicine because the incidence of adverse effects is substantially lower than that of many drugs or other procedures.
Several authorities attest to the safety of acupuncture, including the World Health Organization (WHO), British Medical Journal, and the Annals of Internal Medicine (journal), in addition to several independent studies.
How long is an acupuncture treatment?
An acupuncture treatment lasts from 40 minutes to over an hour, depending on your condition and whether your treatment is part of an initial exam or a follow-up. The initial exam and treatment may be over an hour because of the time needed to obtain a complete medical history.

What is a typical acupuncture treatment like?
Your first visit will include both a comprehensive assessment and a treatment. The assessment will include information about your body’s various functions and Tongue and Pulse diagnosis. This total picture of your condition will be used to determine your TCM ‘pattern’. A unique treatment plan will be developed specifically for you which may include Acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping, ear Acupuncture and electrical Acupuncture which are all included in the price of a treatment. If your treatment plan includes Herbal Medicine or supplements, there is an additional charge. The first visit usually lasts about 60-90 minutes. Subsequent treatments will last about 40-60 minutes.
Does insurance cover acupuncture? Some insurance policies do reimburse for Acupuncture treatments and others do not. We encourage you to check with your insurance plan. We do not accept payment from the insurance company but we will be happy to provide you with a receipt that you can submit to your plan for reimbursement.
What should I do before an acupuncture treatment?
Eat a meal or snack within an hour or 2 before your appointment. Dress in loose fitting clothes that allow easy access to your forearms and lower legs. If possible, print and complete the Patient Form before your first visit. The form includes a thorough inventory of your symptoms. Completing it before hand may be easier for you and may allow you to provide better information.
How many treatments will I need?
This varies with the individual and the condition. Generally, acute or short term conditions require fewer treatments than chronic or long term conditions. We will recommend a course of treatments that will provide the quickest response.
How many treatments will I need?
The number of treatments varies depending on the duration and severity of your condition in addition to your overall constitution. Typically, acute conditions (recent complaints) require about 4 to 6 consecutive treatments (1 to 2 treatments per week.) Some patients get significant relief after only one treatment. Chronic (long-term) and more severe conditions usually require more treatments.
Since acupuncture also helps prevent disease, it is beneficial to occasionally get maintenance treatments.